Saturday, October 31, 2015

Refining a Startup Idea in a Business (part 1 of 2)

Startup ideas for a business usually start small, shapeless, and vague. The tips below, however, will help mold them to reality.

What do you intend to sell? In most cases, people don’t have a hard time determining what they’d like to sell…in general. It’s when they need to get specific that the trouble starts. You know, for instance, you prefer to earn money by selling food. But obviously, that’s not enough. What kind of food do you want to sell? Gourmet? Fast food? Italian? That’s just the start, though. To be more specific, exactly what kind of dishes will be included in your menu? Will there be a variety of dish sizes offered?

Target Market
Who do you want to sell to? Knowing exactly what kind of business you wish to start up is just the finish. For your proposed business to succeed, you need to find the perfect market match for your products or services.

Build a profile for your target market. Start with its demographics. What particular age group would you prefer to target? Better yet, which age group do you believe would find your products and services most attractive? How about gender, race, and income group? Would educational qualifications make a difference?

Consider the geographical location of your target market. Establishing a business online allows you to reach people all over the world, but are you sure you need to and you’re capable of serving clients worldwide? Going global will mean more stringent legal requirements to comply with as well as having to find ideal shipping and payment options for your customers.

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